Book Notes: Flexible Imputation of Missing Data -- Ch3 Univariate Missing Data

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  • In this chapter, we assume that there is only one variable having missing values. We call this variable \(y\) the target variable.

    • \(y_\text{obs}\): the \(n_1\) observed data in \(y\)
    • \(y_\text{mis}\): the \(n_0\) missing data in \(y\)
    • \(\dot{y}\): imputed values in \(y\)
  • Suppose \(X\) are the variables (covariates) in the imputation model.

    • \(X_\text{obs}\): the subset of \(n_1\) rows of \(X\) which \(y\) is observed
    • \(X_\text{mis}\): the subset of \(n_0\) rows of \(X\) which \(y\) is missing

Imputation under the Normal Linear Model

Four methods to impute under the normal linear model

  1. Regression imputation: Predict (bad!). Fit a linear model on the observed data and get the OLS estimates \(\hat{\beta}_0, \hat{\beta}_1\). Impute with the predicted values \[ \dot{y} = \hat{\beta}_0 + X_\text{mis} \hat{\beta}_1 \]
    • In mice package, this method is norm.predict
  2. Stochastic regression imputation: Predict + noise (better, but still bad). Also add a random drawn noise from the estimated residual normal distribution \[ \dot{y} = \hat{\beta}_0 + X_\text{mis} \hat{\beta}_1 + \dot{\epsilon}, \quad \dot{\epsilon} \sim \text{N}(0, \hat{\sigma}^2) \]
    • In mice package, this method is norm.nob

Method 3: Bayesian multiple imputation

  • Predict + noise + parameter uncertainty \[ \dot{y} = \dot{\beta}_0 + X_\text{mis} \dot{\beta}_1 + \dot{\epsilon}, \quad \dot{\epsilon} \sim \text{N}(0, \dot{\sigma}^2) \]

  • Under the priors (where the hyper-parameter \(\kappa\) is fixed at a small value, e.g., \(\kappa = 0.0001\)) \[ \beta \sim \text{N}(0, \mathbf{I}_p/\kappa), \quad p(\sigma^2) \propto 1/\sigma^2 \] We draw \(\dot{\beta}\) (including both \(\dot{\beta}_0\) and \(\dot{\beta}_1\)), \(\dot{\sigma^2}\) from the posterior distribution

  • In mice package, this method is norm

Method 4: Bootstrap multiple imputation

  • Predict + noise + parameter uncertainty \[ \dot{y} = \dot{\beta}_0 + X_\text{mis} \dot{\beta}_1 + \dot{\epsilon}, \quad \dot{\epsilon} \sim \text{N}(0, \dot{\sigma}^2) \] where \(\dot{\beta}_0\), \(\dot{\beta}_1\), and \(\dot{\sigma^2}\) are OLS estimates calculated form a bootstrap sample taken from the observed data

  • In mice package, this method is norm.boot

A simulation study, to impute MCAR missing in \(y\)

  • Missing rate \(50\%\) in \(y\), and number of imputations \(m = 5\).
    • From coverage, norm, norm.boot, and listwise deletion are good
    • From CI width, listwise deletion is better than multiple imputation here, but it’s not always this case, especially when the number of covariates is large.
    • RMSE is not imformative at all!

### A simulation study, to impute MCAR missing in \(x\)

  • Missing rate \(50\%\) in \(x\), and number of imputations \(m = 5\).
    • norm.predict is severely biased; norm is slightly biased
    • From coverage, norm, norm.boot, and listwise deletion are good
    • Again, RMSE is not imformative at all!

Impute from a (continuous) non-normal distributions

  • Optional 1: mean predictive matching

  • Optional 2: model the non-normal data directly
    • E.g., impute from a t-distribution
    • The GAMLSS package: extends GLM and GAM

Predictive Mean Matching

Predictive mean matching (PMM), general principle

  • For each missing entry, the method forms a small set of candidate donors (3, 5, or 10) from completed cases whose predicted values closest to the predicted value for the missing entry

  • One donor is randomly drawn from the candidates, and the observed value of the donor is taken to replace the missing value

Advantages of predictive mean matching (PMM)

  • PMM is fairly robust to transformations of the target variable

  • PMM can also be used for discrete target variables

  • PMM is fairly robust to model misspecification
    • In the following example, the relationship between age and BMI is not linear, but PMM seems to preserve this relationship better than linear normal model

How to select the donors

  • Once the metric has been defined, there are four ways to select the donors.
    • Let \(\hat{y}_i\) denote the predicted values of rows with observed \(y_i\)
    • Let \(\hat{y}_j\) denote the predicted values of rows with missing \(y_j\)
  1. Pre-specify a threshold \(\eta\), take all \(i\) such that \(\left| \hat{y}_i - \hat{y}_j\right| < \eta\) as donors, and randomly sample one donor to impute
  2. Choose the closest candidate as the donor (only 1 donor), also called (nearest neighbor hot deck)
  3. Pre-specify a number \(d\), take the \(d\) closest candidate as donors, and randomly sample one donor to impute. Usually, \(d = 3, 5, 10\)
  4. Sample one donor with a probability that depends on the distance \(\left| \hat{y}_i - \hat{y}_j\right|\)
    • Implemented by the midastouch method in mice, and also the midastouch package

Types of matching

  • Type 0: \(\hat{y} = X_\text{obs} \hat{\beta}\) is matched to \(\hat{y}_j = X_\text{mis} \hat{\beta}\)
    • Bad: it ignores the sampling variability in \(\hat{\beta}\)
  • Type 1: \(\hat{y} = X_\text{obs} \hat{\beta}\) is matched to \(\dot{y}_j = X_\text{mis} \dot{\beta}\)
    • Here, \(\dot{\beta}\) is a random draw from the posterior distribution
    • Good. The default in mice
  • Type 2: \(\dot{y} = X_\text{obs} \dot{\beta}\) is matched to \(\dot{y}_j = X_\text{mis} \dot{\beta}\)
    • Not very ideal, when model is small, the same donors get selected too often
  • Type 3: \(\dot{y} = X_\text{obs} \dot{\beta}\) is matched to \(\ddot{y}_j = X_\text{mis} \ddot{\beta}\)
    • Here, \(\dot{\beta}\) and \(\ddot{\beta}\) are two different random draws from the posterior distribution
    • Good

Illustration of Type 1 matching

Number of donors \(d\)

  • \(d=1\) is too low (bad!). It may select the same donor over and over again

  • The default in mice is \(d=5\). Also, \(d = 3, 10\) are also feasible

Pitfalls of PMM

  • If the data is small, or if there is a region where the missing rate is high, then the same donors may be used for too many times.

  • Mis-specification of the impute model

  • PMM cannot be used to extrapolate beyond the range of the data, or to interpolate within the region where data is sparse

  • PMM may not perform well with small datasets

Imputation under CART

Multiple imputation under a tree model

  • missForest: single imputation with CART is bad

  • Multiple imputation under a tree model using the bootstrap:
  1. Draw a bootstrap sample among the observed data, and fit a CART model \(f(X)\)
  2. For each missing value \(y_j\), find it’s terminal node \(g_j\). All the \(d_j\) cases in this node are the donors
  3. Randomly select one donor to impute

    • When fitting the tree, it may be useful to pre-set the size of nodes to be 5 or 10
    • We can also use random forest instead of CART

Imputing Categorical and Other Types of Data

Imputation under Bayesian GLMs

  • Binary data: logistic regression (logreg method in mice)
    • In case of data separation, use a more informative Bayesian prior
  • Categorical variable with \(K\) unordered categories: multinomial logit model (polyreg method in mice package) \[ P(y_i = k\mid X_i, \beta) = \frac{\exp(X_i \beta_k)}{\sum_{j=1}^K \exp(X_i \beta_j)} \]

  • Categorical variable with \(K\) ordered categories: ordered logit model (polr method in mice package) \[ P(y_i \leq k\mid X_i, \beta, \tau_k) = \frac{\exp(\tau_k - X_i \beta)}{1 + \exp(\tau_k - X_i \beta)} \]
    • For identifiability, set \(\tau_1 = 0\)
  • When impute from these GLM models, make sure to not use the MLE of parameters, but either a draw from posterior, or a bootstraped estimate.

Categorical variables are harder to impute than continuous ones

  • Empirically, the GLM imputations do not perform well
    • If missing rate exceeds 0.4
    • If the data is imbalanced
    • If there are many categories
  • GLM imputation is found inferior than CART or latent class models

Imputation of count data

  • Option 1: predictive mean matching
  • Option 2: ordered categorical imputation
  • Option 3: (zero-inflated) Poisson regression
  • Option 4: (zero-inflated) negative binomial regression

Imputation of semi-continuous data

  • Semi-continuous data: has a high mass at one point (often zero) and a continuous distribution over the remaining values

  • Option 1: model the data in two parts: logistic regression + regression
  • Option 2: predictive mean matching
