Book Notes: Neural Network Methods for Natural Language Processing -- Part 3 Specialized Architectures, Ch14-16 RNNs 2021-05-18
Book Notes: Neural Network Methods for Natural Language Processing -- Part 3 Specialized Architectures, Ch13 CNN 2021-05-17
Book Notes: Neural Network Methods for Natural Language Processing -- Part 2 Working with Natural Language Data, Ch9-11 2021-01-22
Book Notes: Neural Network Methods for Natural Language Processing -- Part 2 Working with Natural Language Data, Ch6-8 2021-01-21
Book Notes: Neural Network Methods for Natural Language Processing -- Part 1 Supervised Classification and Feed-forward Neural Networks 2021-01-20
Book Notes: Statistical Analysis with Missing Data -- Ch3 Complete Case Analysis and Weighting Methods 2020-09-08
Book Notes: Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning -- Ch9 Mixture Models and EM Algorithm 2020-06-13
Book Notes: Intro to Time Series and Forecasting -- Ch5 ARMA Models Estimation and Forecasting 2020-03-20